Houthis reiterate Mediterranean attack warning

By : Adis Ajdin

The leader of the Houthis has once again hinted that his group’s area of attacks could spread to the Mediterranean.In a televised address, Abdulmalik al-Houthi vowed that all ships heading to Israeli ports will be targeted by his group’s drones and missiles.The Houthis have previously made threats of extending their attacks into the Mediterranean. Since last November, the group – backed by Iranian hardware and intelligence – have targeted more than 90 merchant ships, increasingly further and further away from their own coastline.Lars Jensen, the CEO of container shipping consultancy Vespucci Maritime, has been providing daily updates via LinkedIn on the unfolding Red Sea shipping crisis with the Houthis of Yemen.Jensen warned last month that groups in Algeria have received attack drones from Iran, something which could impact shipping in the East Mediterranean.
Source : Splash 247




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